The twenty-nine stained glass windows in the sanctuary of The First Presbyterian Church in Germantown were designed and crafted by some of the country’s finest artists: Henry Lee Willet, Nicola D’ascenzo and Louis Tiffany. An additional Willet window can be found in Longstreth Auditorium. Additionally, a mosaic is located on the right of the chancel . Memorializing and honoring twenty-three members and pastors of the congregation of the last two centuries, the windows underscore Sir John Benjamin’s sentiment, “And is it true? And is it true, / The most tremendous tale of all / Seen in a stained-glass window’s hue…” Those hues largely proclaim highlights of the life of Christ. We invite you to visit the sanctuary to see these beautiful windows for yourself.
From left to right:
St. Luke
“Blessed are ye-rejoice in that day.”
In memory of Charles Stewart Parker, 1870-1942.
Give by Mrs. Charles Parker.
Made by Henry Lee Willet.
Peaceable Kingdom
“And a little child shall lead them. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain.”
In memory of Gertrude Wonnik Andrews and Grace Andrews Babcock.
Given by E. Jeanne Andrews, M.D.
The Lippincott Window
“Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God”
In memory of Wallace H. Lippincott, 1863-1887
From left to right:
David the Psalmist
“The Lord is my shepherd”
In memory of William H. Loesche, d. 1962, and Minnie E. Loesche, d. 1964.
Given by William H. Loesche, Jr.
Made by Henry Lee Willet.
The Breakfast on the Shore
“Lovest thou me. Feed my sheep.”
In memory of Gottfried Henry Binder, 1889-1947, and Emily Freihofer Binder, 1893-1966.
Give by Mrs. Alfred D.P. Montaigne (Paulanne F. Binder).
Made by Henry Lee Willet.